On Wild Cash
Earn crypto currency
It’s time to explore your web3 adventure.
Wild cash helps you to start an immersive web3 experience
while earning tokens.
Quiz to Earn
Dive into rabbit hole

Participate in the easiest way to learn web3 knowledge intuitively and get token rewards.

PoW Mining Game
BTC Mining Simulation

Earn rewards through the POW mechanism by contributing your efforts within the platform.

Monetize Social Network

Refer to earn rewards, gaining monetary benefits with your social networks like never before.

Stake, Swap & Transfer
Manage Crypto Assets

Own your first crypto wallet and store your crypto assets. Check your crypto assets and conduct your first crypto Withdrawal, Swap, and Transfer through various exchange channels.

On Wild Cash
Earn crypto currency
Earn while you learn!

If you have a question or are experiencing an issue related to our app, please feel free to contact us.

Our support team is here to help you.

You can get in touch with us by sending an email to:
[email protected]